Backpacking - Yosemite 2005

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Saturday, August 13, found all 10 of us headed down I-5 toward Yosemite. This year’s itinerary included a two day drive down, a 10 day backpack in the wilderness, and a two day drive back home. We had a reservation for the trailhead to be sure we could get in, and we had done all the research on where/how to rent bear canisters. Everything was looking good!...Read More >>

Saturday, August 13, found all 10 of us headed down I-5 toward Yosemite. This year’s itinerary included a two day drive down, a 10 day backpack in the wilderness, and a two day drive back home. We had a reservation for the trailhead to be sure we could get in, and we had done all the research on where/how to rent bear canisters. Everything was looking good!...Read More >>

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