2006-03-verity.jpgSunday, March 19 – Yesterday I arrived at Verity, an "innovative Christian post-high school facilitation program affiliated with IBLP, where students can study to earn their accelerated bachelor’s degree from an accredited college…" Verity is located in Flint, MI, at the Riverfront Character Inn.

Anyway, Verity is the program I’ve been working on my math degree through. My math GRE test is coming up in two weeks, April 1st, and I’m spending a week here to prepare and study with Dr. Castelino who has a PhD in Mathematics. Hopefully I will be able to focus and learn a lot during this week so I can pass this exam.

I had a good trip yesterday and arrived here about 10:30 p.m. Eastern time. I’ve met quite a few other students who are studying here onsite. One girl recognized my name as she remembers Christina from Verity Prep. One other guy I met in Sacramento last year, and a couple others I remember from when I came here for orientation in 2003.

Today I’m resting and taking it easy in preparation for a week of study. At 10:30 this morning, a bus from Cornerstone Baptist came and picked up about 20 or 25 of us for church. Students go to various churches in the area, and this is the one I went to when I was here for orientation as well. It was a nice service.

I’m told we might go to the park Thursday afternoon to play soccer, volleyball, etc. That would be fun. They also play volleyball in the ballroom quite a bit, but they can’t right now because they’re doing maintenance and are waiting for an inspection.

Hope you all have a good week back home. I wish I was there for Aschenbrenner’s going away party and other events, but I can’t seem be everywhere and do everything. I’ll be home next weekend, so I’m looking forward to that. I would appreciate your continued prayer as I prepare for this test. Thanks!

More pictures are available at the link below, and I hope to be posting more throughout the week:


  1. Wade Parris March 19, 2006 at 3:48 pm

    Hi Matt,
    Amy’s folks live in Sterling Heights. Not too far from where you are. They attend a different Cornerstone Baptist near Groesbeck Blvd (?). Glad to hear that you are getting out and about. If want more info on how to contact Amy’s folks contact me personally.
    your brother in Christ,

  2. Carolyn Ford March 20, 2006 at 12:53 pm

    Thank you for the good article about Verity, Matthew. I’m glad you are having good fellowship as well as time for study. Grandmother & I are praying for you, and we are confident you will do very well on the test April 1st.

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